Category: Musing

  • Why are you lying to me Mr. Progress Bar?

    Why are you lying to me Mr. Progress Bar?

    As long as there have been computers that do work, there have been various forms for communicating progress to the user. I find these often to be a bunch of lying liars.

  • Find a happy place

    Find a happy place

    There are certainly more stressful jobs than being a software developer.  Still, there are unique pressures that come with the territory when working to ship a product, support a product, or (in my case) serve a client and their systems. Let’s face it, when dealing with technology, or sometimes end users, we can often feel […]

  • Replaceable parts and software design

    Replaceable parts and software design

    This past weekend I replaced the brake pads and rotors on my car.  It took a couple hours, cost about $90 in parts, and left me not just with a sense of achievement and personal satisfaction, but a with lots of thoughts about how mechanical systems work, how standardization should function, and how these things […]

  • The Internet thinks I am 5 years old.

    The Internet thinks I am 5 years old.

    In the early days of the good old World Wide Web, the emerging anonymity was often summed up with the cartoon “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” published in 1993. Now, 20 years later, not only does the Internet know you’re a dog, it knows whether you’re a mutt or a purebred; whether […]